Day Trading Boot Camp + Fundamentals of Trading
Hundreds of students over the past 20 years have attended Robin’s courses. Join us to gain an edge in trading and learn a life skill!
The next intake has not been scheduled yet. If you would like to get priority to register, simply fill in our Google form to join the waiting list.

Market Outlook
One of the biggest gathering of traders in Singapore on a regular basis!
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About Robin Ho
Robin Ho is a top tier trader and remisier at Phillip Capital. He became a well sought after speaker after turning $100,000 into $2 million in 15 months during the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.
Over the past decade, Robin has taught and mentored thousands of professional traders. In 2012, Robin was appointed as Singapore Stock Exchange’s professional trainer.
He has developed his own proprietary trading system that focuses on Price Action, which he believes is the answer to the volatile market today.
He believes that many traders fail today because they have been employing long-term and traditional indicators to short-term trading; and to achieve trading mastery, traders must understand market behaviour and develop a trading strategy that fits the trader’s profile.

As Seen On
Hi, I'm Robin Ho.
I’m a seven-time award winner of Phillip Capital top tier trading representative and have been one of Phillip’s most successful traders.
Find out how you can join my community, subscribe to my trading signals and attend my courses and events.